Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My journey, my process..I

Its been quite busy days for daily work at the store, wake up early in the morning then start the day with overflowing joy within, grabbing my Bible and my journal notebook, reading His Word is my daily food, worship HIM and praising HIM is my delight. It feels pretty good refreshing to stay in the Eden (God's presence all day). Alone and loneliness is different thing, you can be alone and happy, alone & lonely, along with friends around but still lonely. Away from God's presence makes us feel alone and lonely. To be in God's presence we have joy overflows from within and completeness in Christ. The Word of God says that our heart is deceitful above all things. Our faith and trust in God should not depend on emotions. His WORD is truth. Happy are those who's trust is in the Lord. It's my privilege to stay connect to my Lord, the owner of the universe with all these missionary friends at the field and those who are here, you inspire me to continue working for God's kingdom. My heart is been with you, I remember your face, your hard labor, in deed you are in my devotions. The G12 vision a breakthrough to focus on what's happened on the Cross. (that None should perish) Back to the cross, Christ had overcome the world. We will overcome it. Christ already redeemed the original plans of God in our lives and HE is in us.Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world. My ACM training, I treasure all those and been so bless by God's grace and mercy. My work as a Nurse, bring impact to helpless people that despite of their situation the love of God overflows His grace is sufficient enough by sharing His love to others is a privilege, like one story of dying patient she received Christ, (she followed the sinner's prayer) her children abroad came and amazed for they were praying for their mother would be save, the prayer of the righteous people is effective. It shows that God is in control.. He is at work 24/7. It's fulfilling and a privilege to share the good news where ever we are there is no respecter of place, no limits. Its beyond His call and passion. HIS ways is higher than ours, we can't fathom His ways. The matter of the fact that either we or not in the organization or no ministry at all, remind me that only God put us in the position that bring him glory. We may think we are right but only God judges our motive. That's why our prayer is like David prayers, "search me oh God and find me if any inequities in my heart forgive me and purify my heart." The Christ in us, His dealing in us is personal as unique individual. It is Him hang on the cross, it is Him our hope of glory, where ever God put us His light keeps shining on us, that people see truly we are serving the true and the Living God, the Emmanuel God. God is awesome!